League of Women Voters of Saratoga County

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Support the Environmental Bond Ballot Proposal

On November 8th, 2022, New York voters will have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to protect clean water, update infrastructure, build parks, and improve quality of life in every county of the state.

The League of Women Voters of New York State is supporting the Vote Yes for Clean Water & Jobs coalition which is leading the campaign to encourage voters to approve the Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Bond Act in the general election this November.

The Coalition believes that the top reasons for supporting the bond act are:

  • Clean Drinking Water: The Bond Act will protect clean drinking water, a priceless resource.

  • Modern Infrastructure: The measure will bring much-needed upgrades to outdated roads, sewer systems, and drinking water pipes.

  • Local Jobs: The Bond Act will support nearly 100,000 good jobs.'

  • Public Health: The measure will add street trees, reduce lead exposure, increase energy efficiency, and improve air quality.

  • Wildlife Habitat: The Bond Act will conserve wildlife habitats and increase access to parks, nature centers, campgrounds, and public waterfronts.

Don’t forget to flip your ballot over on election day this fall to vote for the Clean Water, Clean Air, Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act of 2022. Election day is Tuesday, November 8, this year, and early voting is available from October 29 - November 6th.

Fact Sheet on the Clean Water, Clean Air and Green Jobs Bond Act from the Vote Yes for Clean Water and Jobs Coalition