Get Involved
Our grassroots nonpartisan network is one of America's most trusted institutions. We work to empower voters by providing the nonpartisan information they need to be active and informed participants in government. Get involved in our work, engage with elected officials, and learn about issues that impact our community.
Become a Member
Our members are passionate in their support of making democracy work. Join the League of Women Voters to get involved in your community.
Work With us
The League registers new voters, hosts community forums, and provides voters with election information. We engage with our legislators on key priorities and work to improve our government.
Come to a MeetING
Monthly meetings are a way for us to come together to explore, understand and advocate for issues that matter to us. Join us for our next meeting and other events.
101 Ways to Get Involved
There are so many ways to get involved with the work of the League. Tell us about your interests and we'll help you get started.