Current League Positions
Federal: LWV US Impact on Issues 2024-2026
Local (LWV Saratoga County):
The Roles, Responsibilities and Oversight of Saratoga County’s Economic Development.
Note: On 12/7/23, the Appellate Division of the New York State Supreme Court, 3rd Department, ruled that the Saratoga Economic Development Corporation is a local authority subject to the Public Authorities Law, including oversight and transparency requirements.
State League Studies
The League’s study process is the way we develop positions on issues. Below are upcoming state studies.
Ranked Choice Voting
consensus discussion- thursday, February 20Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) and NonPartisan Primary consensus meeting presentation (PowerPoint and PDF).
The League of Women Voters of New York State is conducting a study of ranked choice voting, including alternatives to party primaries for state, congressional and local offices.
In preparation, please review the study materials provided by LWVNYS:
2023-2025 LWVNYS Study: Ranked Choice Voting & Nonpartisan Primaries
Ranked Choice Voting & Nonpartisan Primaries
Voting systems
consensus Discussion- Thursday, April 3
Events Page LinkThe League of Women Voters of New York State is also conducting a concurrent study of the process used by the NY State Board of Elections to approve voting systems with the purpose of seeing if the process can be improved to more effectively ensure that approved voting machines meet the League’s SARAT criteria (“secure, accurate, recountable, accessible and transparent”).
National League Studies
Federal Judiciary
consensus discussion- thursday, march 20
Events Page link
The League of Women Voters of the United States is conducting a study of the Federal Judiciary including the Supreme Court. The purpose is “to develop an LWV position on the Federal Judiciary as an essential component of US democracy,” including judicial accountability, transparency, independence, and ethics.
Study Consensus process
The League chooses issues at the federal, state and local levels for its members to study. Through its consensus/concurrence process, the League examines all aspects of a selected subject and tries to reach agreement on which to base a position. The League's reputation for fairness rests on its practice of thorough and impartial study. Members discuss the issues; pros and cons are researched; and everyone has an opportunity to express an opinion. Once the League has a position on an issue, material is published to promote that position, always ensuring the distinction between League action on specific issues and the League’s nonpartisan voter information.