League of Women Voters of Saratoga County

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Virtual Annual Meeting

Yikes! We had planned to have the LWVSC Annual Meeting in June. It was to be a pot luck event, with Tisha Dalton singing suffrage songs to celebrate the League’s 100th Birthday. But then the novel corona virus struck. We hemmed and hawed. The board discussed it. LWVNY sent us guidance. Finally the steering committee decided.

We will hold a Virtual Annual Meeting on Thursday, May 28th at 7 pm, via Zoom (yes, we bought a zoom account for our League) to present the budget for 2020-21, to hear the nominating committee report, to present our local positions, and to field your questions. Then we’ll ask you to mail in the ballot (to be included in the next newsletter) so that you still get to vote – and so that the League can continue to function.

It won’t be the same, but when the danger is past we’ll get together in person – to celebrate our survival, and the League’s survival – and also to present the Carrie Chapman Catt Award to Kathy Biegay!

I’m impatient for the end of social distancing. I want to give some hugs to people I care about. I want to be with you – in person.

Barb Thomas