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Meetup: How Social Media is Endangering Democracy, Mental Health and Relationships

Increasingly people are getting their information from social media platforms instead of traditional news sources. We are seeking out information that reinforces what we already believe to be true causing us to be in our own media landscapes of information and misinformation. Add to this the fact that technology companies are using our psychology against us as they compete for our attention for their own profit and we are seeing detrimental effects on society.

LWV of Saratoga County Meetup Co-chair, Lori Dawson presents her findings after a four-month search to see what can be done about the negative impacts of social media. There is hope. Organizations such as the Center for Humane Technology are working to educate and inspire meaningful changes to technology design and use. If possible, watch the Netflix documentary, The Social Dilemma, prior to the Meetup.

Register in advance for this meeting at this link. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.