LWV Member Holiday Party
Join us to celebrate the holidays with fellow League members at a holiday potluck party on Thursday, December 8th, starting at 6:00 pm. The gathering will be held at the home of Chris Alexander & Peter Martin, 101 Bryan Street, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866.
Please RSVP if you plan to attend to: RSVPtoLWVSaratoga@gmail.com
Potluck Supper - our hosts will provide turkey breast & rolls, beer, wine & soda. We request the following:
If your last name begins with
A-G bring a side dish,
H-M an appetizer and
N-Z a dessert.
( if this is a problem, in any way, please let Chris Alexander or Carol Glansberg know so that we can make an adjustment)
The gathering provides an opportunity to bring together old friends and help us make new ones.