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Flag Day Parade

The 53rd Annual Flag Day Parade (organized by the Saratoga-Wilton Elks Lodge #161, under the leadership of Exalted Ruler, Dora Lee Stanley), is scheduled for Saturday, June 11th.

The League is planning to march with various social justice groups marching together in the parade under the banner of “One Nation, Indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for All." The idea is that each group would walk with its own banner, but we’d all be in close proximity to one another, and we’d be preceded by a larger banner with the “One Nation, Indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for All” slogan.

Linda McKenney (who is in charge) has also arranged for a pickup truck (float, with theme still to be determined) that some members can ride in if they can’t walk the distance.

The League steps off at noon), Broadway, Saratoga Springs. More tails on where and when to meet to be determined.

Earlier Event: June 9
Book Club: Choosing Books to Read
Later Event: June 15
56th Annual Meeting