Free banned books!
Celebrate the launch of Little Liberty Library, a free library box in Lena's courtyard dedicated to frequently banned books.
For more than 60 years, Caffe Lena has not only cared for free speech but presented a safe haven for it on stage—whether in the form of music, theater or the spoken word. The current national uptick in efforts to ban controversial books from libraries is a way to suppress conversation; to tame our ability to think for ourselves.
This celebration will open and close with music by Dan Berggren. Twelve authors will each read for 3-5 minutes from titles that have been banned or challenged. Readers will be introduced by Barbara Lombardo, former editor of The Saratogian, currently a journalism professor at SUNY Albany.
Admission is a banned book or donation . See more details. Event Poster
Co-sponsored by Caffè Lena, the League of Women Voters of Saratoga County, the NYS Writers Institute, Skidmore, Yaddo, Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Saratoga Springs, Saratoga Springs Public Library, and Temple Sinai.