Advocacy Day: League of Women Voters of New York State
Where: The Blake Annex, 1 Steuben St, Albany NY 12203
Register: Register online here or mail a check made out to the League of Women Voters of New York State to 1 Steuben St, Albany NY 12207
Cost: $20 per person (includes lunch)
LWVNYS will host an advocacy day on May 2nd in Albany, NY. Join us!
Learn about important legislative issues and how to advocate for them
Meet new League members from across the state
Lobby your state legislators at the Capitol
Enjoy lunch provided by LWVNYS
League members are asked to make their own appointments with legislators and schedule them for 1:30 pm at the earliest. We will walk up to the Capitol after lunch. Those without appointments may try to visit their legislators or join the state League staff in the galleries watching session.