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2025 Legislative Priorities and Program Planning

Legislative Priorities: Help us identify the top three issues we want LWVNYS to act on during the 2025 Legislative Session and for what reasons we should advocate for them. We can choose from: Election Law, Healthcare, Judicial Issues, Criminal Justice Reform, Natural Resources, State Finances and Education, Equality of Opportunity, Domestic Violence/Human Trafficking, Rural Issues, Good Government Reform or some other issue not listed. Click here for highlights of the key issues that LWV NYS acted on in the 2024 Legislative Session.

Program Planning: In preparation for the 2025 LWVNYS Convention, local leagues participate in Program Planning. This is the process in which local leagues are asked for feedback on if they continue to support existing positions, want to delete, or update positions, initiate studies for new positions, or adopt concurrences with other League positions. At the NY State League of Women Voters convention June 20-22, Delegates will consider the recommendations and vote on additions, deletions, and changes to our existing positions. This is vital grassroots input because our positions are what we use to advocate for issues that are important to us. Members should begin by reviewing our state positions in LWV NY Impact on Issues 2024 (PDF).

Starting on page 4 of the PDF there is a Summary of Policy Positions. This is a good place to start and then if you want more details, there is a table of contents to find the full position with many details and history. If there are new positions we would like to consider, this is the time to make suggestions for new studies which may lead to having a new position. We can also consider if we want to concur with existing positions of other Leagues. Concurrence means that we agree with the position another League has already reached after considering the study they conducted on the issue. We don’t have to undertake the study ourselves; we agree with their conclusions and concur.

The involvement of Local Leagues and members in the program planning process is what makes us a grassroots organization. We encourage all League members to participate in this forum! Questions to

Discussion Leader = Lori Dawson
Location: on Zoom
You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Jan 30, 2025 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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