Kudos! Congratulations! and Thanks!

The League of Women Voters of Saratoga County received many comments this election season. Here is a sampling of the things folks said:

“Thanks to all the voters who exercised their right to vote in a calm, respectful way, and then waited patiently for the results. That shows their faith in democracy.”

“I want to congratulate the LWV. I don’t know the county numbers but nationally, we had historic voter turn-out. Awesome!!!”

“I was so pleased that the violence and intimidation that was forecast, was actually not very evident on election day.”

“Thank you for registering voters, providing valuable information to confused voters. All this during a pandemic, hot days, wind that threatened to take down the tent, and very chilly days.”

“Thanks to all the League members who helped register voters, and gave out accurate information about the technicalities of voting, who compiled the information on Vote411, staffed and organized candidate forums and generally made the voting process better.”

“Thanks to all the poll workers and to our Saratoga County Board of Elections. They did a fantastic job of coping with the early voting turnout.”

“This month, we recognize incredible organizations who uplift the people of this nation with core AoCC [Americans of Conscience Checklist] values: Respect, Heart, Gratitude, Inclusion, Empathy, Truth, and Solidarity. #30DaysofThanks. … Thank you for your commitment to informing and empowers voters through Vote411”