The Census is Coming!

Every 10 years the U.S. Census takes on the enormous task of counting every single person living in the United States. For the first time this year, the Census will be encouraging people to respond online. The Census is mailing letters to every household between March 12th and 20th with a code for the online questionnaire.

Getting an accurate count is vitally important. The Census count determines how many Congressional seats our state will have, affects the distribution of federal and state dollars in our community, and influences business and community planning decisions, such as where to locate new businesses. We need an accurate count to ensure that New York and our local communities get their fair share of the billions of dollars in federal funding that go to hospitals, fire departments, schools, roads, and other resources based on census data.

New York is one of eight states expected to lose at least one congressional seat after the 2020 Census count, and possibly more, as our population has grown at a slower pace than other states. An accurate count will give New York the best chance of keeping as many of our Representatives as possible. Census results also determine how many votes New York gets in the Electoral College, which selects the President.

The League of Women Voters of Saratoga County is contributing to the complete count effort. Please consider volunteering with us as we hold community outreach events this spring to raise awareness and help people without internet access be counted. If you would like to volunteer, please email us at

You count! Make sure you respond to the Census by Census Day (April 1, 2020).