LWV Launches Remote the Vote

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Francine Rodger just keeps coming up with good ideas. Her latest brainchild is Remote the Vote. It’s a way for our League to continue the vital work of getting people registered and getting them to the polls –even as we stay safe by practicing social distancing.

The way that Remote the Vote will work is that each week LWVSC will put out a message on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter highlighting a city or town in our county, highlighting how many people they could register and giving them an online method to get registered.

We will be sending an email blast to our members living in the targeted municipality, asking them to share the social media with their friends and neighbors.

Using population projections from the Capital District Regional Planning Commission and the number of registered voters in each municipality (provided by the Saratoga County Board of Elections) Francine has figured out that there are about 35,000 Saratoga County residents who aren’t registered to vote. Remote the Vote could put a big dent in that number.

Francine says, “Social media is a great multiplier. Let’s spread the word far and wide and get people registered. That’s the first step in getting more people to vote”

Barb Thomas