Black Lives Matter

Diversity – Equity – Inclusion

BLM march 6-7-20.jpg

June 8, 2020

It was energizing and inspiring to be a part of Sunday’s March and Protest Against Police Brutality and Racism in Saratoga Springs. This event was organized by an ad hoc group of young people, who were initially expecting about 50 people to show up, and planned to march on the sidewalk. When it became evident that the crowd would be much bigger the Saratoga Springs Police Department blocked vehicle traffic from Broadway to allow marchers to fill the entire street as they marched from High Rock to Congress Park. Lots of League members were among the 1,000 people who turned out to call for an end to racism. See the pictures from this march on June 7th and from an earlier rally on June 3rd.

The Saratoga Springs police were friendly and supportive of the marchers, but that doesn’t invalidate the negative experiences people of color have had with police and the justice system on all levels – or the immediate impetus for the protest: the death of George Floyd.

What is the League doing about racism? At the last LWVUS convention (Chicago, 2018) we adopted a plan for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and we are now training members of local leagues to be D.E.I. representatives. Lori Dawson is taking the training and will be helping our League to become more diverse, equitable and inclusive. LWVNY is calling for changes in 50-a of the Freedom Of Information Law, which shields police misconduct from public knowledge. Locally, we are trying to become more aware of systemic racism and our own unthinking actions that perpetuate bias, collaborating with other community groups working on these issues – and showing up and speaking out. We are working to have a membership that is as diverse as Saratoga County.

Barbara Thomas