Stories of Good Trouble on the Journey to Justice

Read the Stories of Good Trouble on the Journey to Justice

The Community Arts Grant awarded to the League of Women Voters of Saratoga County (LWVSC) and sponsored by Saratoga Springs United Methodist Church is “Good Trouble on the Journey to Justice”. The theme, inspired at the time of John Lewis and Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s passing, created an opportunity to share stories of personal or family members’ challenges to achieve justice.

The artist, Francellise Dawkins created a fabric collage with photos of the story contributors along with quotes from the narratives.

Good Trouble is evident in the stories of those seeking to effect change. Courage is reflected in taking a stand against wrong and giving support for unpopular actions to obtain justice. As you read the stories and view the collage please consider your personal reaction to their words. Hopefully you will share your thoughts through written comments.

The Good Trouble collage is being displayed at the Saratoga Springs Methodist Church this spring.