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Review of LWV Positions

All Members are Invited!

Review of League positions (Program Planning) will take place from 7-7:45 pm, followed by the Board Meeting from 7:45-9.

Click here to register in advance for the Zoom meeting. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

We will be developing a program to be adopted at the LWVNY Convention in June . It is up to Local Leagues to recommend any new issues selected for concentrated study, which positions need to be updated, and which existing positions should be retained for possible action, for 2021-2023.

“Program” really means positions, so this is the time to determine which positions we want to keep, delete, update/revise or even consider new studies for new positions or concurrence with existing positions of other Leagues. We hope you will review our present program by reading through the Positions in Brief (and the longer Position of those topics you might want to drop or change). Are there new positions you would like to have? This is the time to make suggestions for new studies (studies lead to new positions).

Here’s the link to Impact on Issues: . The Positions In Brief are on pages 7 & 8.

Earlier Event: February 2
Advocating in a Time of COVID
Later Event: February 11
Book Club: Talking to Strangers